Let me assure you that not only is this carrot soufflé as easy as they come, it’s gobsmacking good! This soufflé isn’t nearly as touchy as a traditional soufflé. In fact it’s hard to mess up. It barely puffs up, which means it doesn’t deflate that much either. My father made a half batch a couple weeks ago and the three of us devoured it within minutes. He then made a full batch a few days ago, left for an hour and returned to find a third of it gone (that would be my doing). “Hey, you know it serves eight!” Uh huh. Or just the three of us. The rest was gone by the end of the day. Dad found the recipe in a recent issue of House Beautiful. The recipe credit goes to Sam Beall, author of The Blackberry Farm Cookbook: Four Seasons of Great Food and the Good Life. Other than its impossible-to-screw-up-ness and over-the-top deliciousness, I also love how easily this recipe lends itself to adaptations. Try experimenting with the seasonings, such as some ginger, ground or fresh minced, some thyme, maybe a little orange zest, or a pinch of coriander. You might also try substituting all or some of the carrots with parsnips. I want to make a parsnip version of it (maybe with a bit of horseradish and parsley). Or one could dress it up further with a touch of ginger or thyme. Just remember the better the inputs, the better the results!