Why Store Food?

This post is not meant to scare or add extra stress to your life. Our goal is to help you feel prepared so you have peace of mind if and when the time comes that life-as-usual becomes disrupted. Obviously the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has everyone on edge and thinking about what would happen if food or supplies (I’m looking at you, toilet paper) were scarce. There are several reasons why it’s a good idea to keep extra food and supplies on hand:

Natural Disasters or Emergencies: A few years ago, some friends of ours in Houston were trapped in their neighborhood for days due to flooding. Food storage came in handy for those several scary days for them, as they were able to take care of their family and neighbors with what they had in their home. Natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or winter storms can keep you from getting the supplies your family needs.Loss of a Job or Economic Crisis:  The likelihood of needing to tighten the budget is much higher than a water shortage or natural disaster. While a natural disaster or pandemic is a big reason most people start building food storage, loss of a job or a national economic crisis is what will keep the idea of food storage going. The future is uncertain, and it’s comforting to have a plan in place for a time you may have to live off what you have stored.Operating on a Strict Budget: When money is tight, storing extra food can actually end up saving you money in the long run. Cooking with pantry staples from scratch, not buying as much produce and always shopping when things are on sale are just a few ways food storage can help you stretch your dollar when money is tight for your familyEveryday Emergencies: Have you ever been in the middle of a recipe and realize you’re out of baking soda or sugar? While you may not consider that an “emergency” situation, having some food storage accumulated is a helpful benefit for moments like this. Whether you don’t have time to shop, you have a last minute food assignment for a party, or you need a quick dinner, dipping into that food storage can save you lots of time and money and give you peace of mind.

For a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to start food storage, see our FREE 14-Day Meal Plan and Shopping List using all non-perishable foods.

9 Spaces to Store Food in Your Home

A big reason why many people shy away from food storage is that they simply don’t have the space for it. If you don’t have a huge pantry or basement in your home, you can still find clever ways to store food and other supplies. With these ideas however, it’s important to plan and prepare a place to store some of the more common food in your house where it can be easily accessible for rotation purposes.

Important Food Storage Tips

When storing foods on the floor in closets, under beds, under end tables, etc, there are important things to consider. It is an investment of money, time, and energy to store food and you will want to make sure it stays safe. Please keep the following tips in mind:

Only store food on the floor that is canned or bottled in PETE plastic. Store glass containers on shelves or in cupboards.Store food in a cool, dry, and dark place that is free from bugs and/or rodents. It is recommended that food is stored in temperatures at or below 75 degrees.Place a barrier between the food and the flooring, especially in areas with high humidity. A piece of cardboard or a wood slat will protect food from moisture. If food is already boxed or in a plastic container, it should be fine.Do not store food on concrete. Concrete changes temperatures quickly and gives off moisture.Food that is purchased in plastic bags or boxes, should be stored in a bin with a lid or sealed box (as pictured below). This protects the food from rodents and bugs. It also protects pets and small children from eating something that would cause a choking hazard or be harmful in any way.Keep a list of where your food is stored. Write a note in your phone or stick a list on the fridge. You will want to keep track of which foods are stored where. This will keep you organized so you can find ingredients when you need them.

For a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to start food storage, see our FREE 14-Day Meal Plan and Shopping List using all non-perishable foods.