No Bake Cinnamon Peanut Butter Granola Bars

We’re teaming up with our friends at Jif for this deliciously filling, easy to make snack. This no bake cinnamon peanut butter granola bar recipe is a fun snack to make ahead for after school, soccer games, breakfast, or mid-morning energy pick-me-ups. So much goodness in one little snack. We love to pair creamy or crunchy Jif peanut butter with juicy dates, dried apples, oats, almonds, and a hint of cinnamon for these filling and satisfying snack bars. Read on for more on this delicious recipe, plus some hacks for smooth and happy mornings!

Suggestions for this Recipe

Make sure you have a good food processor on hand to blend the dates into a nice jam-like consistency.If you don’t like dates or don’t have any on hand, raisins will work great too!Try dried apricots, bananas, mangos or any other dried fruit in place of the dried apples for different flavors and textures.Substitute pecans, walnuts or any other favorite nuts in addition to the almonds.If you can’t find any cinnamon flavored peanut butter at your grocery store, add a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon into your mixture. Or try any other flavor of Jif peanut butter. They’re all so tasty!

Happy Morning Hacks

Having trouble getting a head start in the mornings? Well, we are here to help you out! Here are some of our best “Happy Morning Hacks”:

The best mornings start with a little preparation the night before. Getting to bed early and getting a good night sleep makes every morning run much smoother. We all set an alarm to wake us up in the morning, but why not set your alarm to remind you to go to bed? Setting an alarm 30 minutes before you want to get to sleep will remind you to wind down and start your bedtime routine so you can get a great night’s sleep!When setting your alarm for the morning, put it on the other side of the room after it has been set. This way you will have to actually get out of bed to turn it off. This will help get your body moving and make it more difficult to lay in bed and fall back asleep.In addition to getting to bed early, a little planning the night before goes a long way. It is much easier to face the morning when you are all ready a few steps ahead of the game. Lay out your clothes the night before or pack up lunches for school and work and put them in the fridge to grab and go.EAT BREAKFAST! Even the simplest breakfast is better than no breakfast at all. You can quickly spread some of Jif’s new breakfast spreads on a bagel or some toast and BOOM, breakfast is done and you are out the door. The Cinnamon and Maple flavors will help you add a little variety (and extra deliciousness) to your mornings. Give ’em a try!Have a breakfast plan before you go to bed. If you know the morning is going to be hectic you can have some quick breakfast foods in mind that will give a jump start to your day. High protein breakfasts fill you up and give energy for the day. For a quick and easy, protein packed breakfast, try apple slices or bananas dipped in the delicious, new peanut butter spreads from Jif!Get in the habit of making your bed as soon as you turn off your alarm. It will give you a quick sense of accomplishment and order to start your day.Create a morning playlist of your favorite, upbeat songs. Play it while you are showering, getting dressed, making breakfast, etc. to brighten your morning.Go for a quick walk air or just step outside for 5 minutes of stretching. Breathing in the cool morning air and increasing your heart rate will help you wake up and give you a quick boost of energy.Hold off checking email and social media accounts until you’ve finished your morning routine. Give yourself time to take care of YOU before becoming distracted or overwhelmed with email and other online accounts.If you need a little mid-morning “pick-me-up” make these No-Bake Cinnamon Peanut Butter Granola bars ahead of time and then have them as a mid-morning snack to help get your day going (oh and KIDS love them, too)!

READ NEXT: 33+ Super Easy Breakfast Ideas

Quick and Easy Breakfast Recipes

How to Make Cinnamon Peanut Butter Granola Bars

This post is sponsored by JIF but all opinions and recipes are our own 🙂

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