According to our local newspaper it was, though I think they may have been joshing. Then again, maybe not! This excellent zucchini ricotta frittata recipe (like the way that just rolls of one’s tongue? “ricotta frittata, ricotta frittata”) is based on one by our local cherished chef Biba. It’s a cinch to make and a tasty way of enjoying bountiful summer squash. When the oil is hot and begins to shimmer, add the zucchini slices. Stir so that the zucchini slices are all coated with some of the oil. Cook, stirring only occasionally (if you stir too much the zucchini won’t brown), until the zucchini slices are lightly browned, about 5-6 minutes. Remove the pan from heat. Let the zucchini cool in the pan for 30 seconds then transfer it to the bowl with the eggs. Without stirring, let the egg mixture cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Run a spatula along the edge of the frittata, separating the cooked edges from the pan as the eggs cook. Continue to cook for 3 to 4 minutes longer, or until the bottom is golden brown and the top is beginning to set. It will still be slightly runny in the middle. Keep the oven door slightly open if you want and let the pan’s handle stick out from the oven through the open door. Cook under the broiler until the top starts to become lightly browned, about 2 minutes. (Alternatively, instead of using the broiler, you can place a plate face-down on top of the skillet. Flip the skillet over to release the frittata on to the plate. Slide the frittata from the plate back into the skillet. Let cook for a couple of minutes more until the bottom browns. Let rest in the pan for 2 to 3 minutes to allow it to set.)